Passport , Visa & Insurance

Passport , Visa & Insurance consultancy Services

Mera Travels is an accredited agent in embassies as well as regional passport offices.We have an in-house Visa and Passport division which ensures that our patrons travelling abroad are able to secure their visas within a short span of time.We also update our clients on any changes in visa rules of any country. Besides keeping a record of the visa and passport expiry dates of our frequent fliers, our committed team verifies that all your documents are valid for your next journey.

Our professionally qualified staff can render you all assistance in obtaining insurance covers for your foreign travel.

Visa Facilitation : S.K. Akhtar / Cell – 98 105 68164
Insurance : Ms. Neeru Pant / Cell – 97 179 26662

Tel : 91-11- 24103555, 24672633, 24103592, 26114683, 24101391.
Fax : 91-11-26885696
Email :